Saturday, May 16, 2015

Some memorial constructions in the USA

Hi everyone!
This is the last post about architecture, so I hope you like it specially! We are going to talk about a couple of important constructions of the 19th and 20th century.

1.The Lincoln memorial

This is a commemorative monument of neo-classical style situated in the National Mall in Washington DC created to honor the memory of the 16th president Abraham Lincoln, because as we know it was very important in the history of the United States.
The architect was Henry Bacon, a designer of the Beaux-Arts movement.
The building has the form of the ancient Greek Doric temples and it is decorated with quotes of two famous speeches of Lincoln and the well-known huge sculpture of the president, which is made of limestone of Indiana and marble from Colorado. It also has 36 columns of 44 feet (around 10 meters) that are around the building and represent the number of states that were part of the union at that time. In fact, every column has the name of its state recorded on them, and the rest of the states were added later on the walls.
The main room is next to two more rooms and in one of them, the "Gettysburg speech" is recorded on the south wall.
The second inaugural speech is also recorded on the north wall of the other room. Above these speeches, there are murals painted by Jules Gérin: an angel (representing the truth) setting free to a slave and the unity of the north and the south of North America. In the wall before the statue of the ex-president, there is this quote:


The Lincoln Memorial
This construction is a representation of the freedom that Lincoln fought so hard for. We have to mention that some important events has happened there, for exmaple, the famous speech by Marthin Luther King called “I have a dream”, the 28th August 1963. As a curiosity, the first stone was not put until the day of the birthday of Lincoln, the 12th February of 1914 and it was inaugurated the 30th of May of 1922 with the presence of his only son alive, Robert Todd Lincoln. Besides, the image of the Lincoln memorial appeared on the reverse of one penny coins until 2010 and on the five dollar bills.

Lincoln penny reverse

Five dollars bill reverse

2. The Washington monument
It is a white great obelisk situated also in the extreme west of the National Mall in Washington DC, so they are in front of each other. It commemorates the first president of the United States George Washington.

The Washington monument
It is made of marble granite and bluestone gneiss and it has a height of 152 feet (around 170 meters). It was designed by Robert Mills, an American architect of the decade of 1840. The construction started in 1848 and finished in 1884, almost 30 years after the death of the architect. This delay was caused for the expensive American Civil War.
As a curiosity, in 1884 the monument became the tallest structure in the world until the Eifel Tower was built in 1889, but it is still the highest construction of Washington DC! And probably is going to continue this way due to the laws passed there. Nowadays, it is visited by 800.000 tourists every year. Because of the earthquake and hurricane of 2011, the monument had been repaired many times.

The Lincoln and Washington memorial, one in front of each other

So here finishes this post and the architecture part, but if you have some question left just leave a comment below! And we will answer them with pleasure.
As a reflection, with these monuments we can see the importance of history in the United States, what made them proud of their country and values and how they learn from the innovations in the rights of people in the case of Lincoln or the union of the country in the case of Washington. Do you think that it is like this in other countries? What about yours? 

So I hope you liked the post and keep reading because we have some topics left!



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